Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Back in Savannah

Middle of week two back here in Savannah. Here's what's been going on....

I have started taking fibers classes to help move my work in a another direction.
The images of the fibers help to inspire me to create this paper sculpture which i plan to remake out of fabric.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Final Days in Lacoste. Exhibition and Vernissage.

Well my time in Southern France is coming to an end. It was a great summer but I am ready to get back to the comforts of home (Bentonville and Savannah). 
This weekend we had our end of the quarter exhibition. Here are a few photos. I sold two pieces. Now I can pay my parents back...

Monday, August 22, 2011

Most Recent Paintings

This is the kind of stuff I have been working on in my abstract paining class this summer.
I ended up really loving the class and it has helped me to move forward with my art.
Vegetable Dye and Oil on Linen 
32"x 32"
The linen has been dyed with dyes I made myself from wild berries.

Oil on cotton
36"x 30"

Barcelona Trip

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

It's been a while....

Well I realized I totally neglected this blog quickly after I made it so I'm trying to make up for that now. Currently I am in my sixth week in Lacoste, France. It's going well and my art is really benefitting from the trip, but there are things that I am missing... I have four more weeks and I never thought I would be anxious to get back to Savannah but I kind of am. Of course once I'm there for a while I will probably be anxious to go somewhere else. I just get bored really easily with places. Anyways I am anxious to get back to Savannah in a month. I think this year is going to be a million times better than last year, I'm hopeful anyways.

This is from the Vete Festival that happened this weekend. Not sure what that means...

I promise to update this more frequently but for now this is all!

P.S. I just booked a train ticket to Barcelona earlier and I am very excited about that. It will be my first time and there is a lot on my list to do, probably too much for a weekend trip....

Friday, April 29, 2011

Latest Project Veryyyy In Progress

My most current project... I just started it. Size wise it's 8x6 ft all together but it is two separate canvases. I have a lot more layers to go before it's finished! We'll see how it goes.....

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

New New New

So this is my first time "blogging"... I'm hoping to use this as a way to keep anyone that might possibly be interested in my art up to date with what I'm doing.
If you are interested in buying anything that you see or would like to commission me just send me an email!  
I will be posting photos of my most current projects very soon!

Latest Work Finished

Acrylic and Ink on Canvas
36"x 48"
I just completed it about a week ago.

Latest Work In Progress


May 2010

This is one of my favorite pieces I have done so far at school. I'm still experimenting with similar concepts which are obvious in my current works.

I love India

September 2010

India was definitely the greatest experience of my life up to this point and it still influences me in a lot of ways, including my art. I can't wait until I can go back!

Previous Work

Dialogue With Degas
May 2010

First Oil Still Life

Grow Up And Blow Away
April 2010